Garden Design Plan for Year Round Color
Want Year Round Color in Your Garden? Here Is a Garden Design Plan for Year Round Color by Paige Payne, Online Landscape Designs Last year I created a plant guide outlining a few of my favorite plants that creates year-round color in the garden. This year I drew a plan to help homeowners design and […]
Xeric Front Yard Garden Planning and Design
By Paige Payne, Online Landscape Designs This xeric front yard landscape was designed to be water wise, colorful, interesting, and bird and bee friendly. We used some water saving ideas for the garden while working around the homeowner’s mature silver maple tree. First, we removed all of the thirsty turf. Then a drip irrigation system […]
Landscaping with Cacti and Succulents
Cacti are Colorado… Before Colorado settlers imported the shrubs and trees that now forest the Front Range, nature’s garden included abundant cacti. These indigenous landscape plants are well suited to the high desert plateau we call home. Indeed, cacti are native only to the Western Hemisphere! Most of us, however, overlook the sculptural value cacti provide […]
What Your Landscape Says About You
Your landscaping is speaking louder than you think! When people approach your home, the first thing they notice is the welcome mat we call the yard. What does yours say about you? If it’s not a showcase, don’t panic! This isn’t about having to spend a small fortune keeping up with the Joneses or feeling […]
Tall Exotic Grasses Add Variety in the Landscape
Throughout the heartland of the United States grow the tall grass prairies. Once a force to be reckoned with for farmers and ranchers, these grasslands are now the source of graceful exotic alternatives to shrubs and trees in the modern home or business landscape. From formal to naturalized, decorative grasses fit any design scheme There […]
Pick the Right Rock for Your New Wall or Patio
Ever Been Stone Shopping? If you are going to build a patio, stone path or retaining wall, you want to take some time deciding exactly what kind of rock you want to use. Just like laying carpet or tile in your home, you will spend hours relaxing with your choice. You want to like it! […]
Expand Your Outdoor Living Space: Patios & More!
Green! And more green! Wildflowers galore and exuberant plant growth is making this a growing season to remember. This tip focuses on designing an outdoor living space to enjoy it all. Getting the family together outdoors can be as easy as setting folding chairs on the lawn, firing up the bar-b-que, and erecting the badminton […]
Flowers Beneath the Snow: When to Plan your Landscape
It is a comforting, time-honored tradition for those who love gardening to snuggle in over the long winter months with a steaming drink and catalogs (or your laptop) full of the stuff of landscape dreams. What do I want my outdoor space to look like this year? Now is the time to plan your landscape! […]
Energy-Saving Landscaping Design
Attractive landscaping can turn your yard into a peaceful haven, but did you know it can also lower your heating bills, cool your house naturally and filter your air? Todays tip tells you how to conserve energy with eco-friendly landscape design. Your landscape can save you money! Because higher fuel bills are due to heat […]
Get Help with Your Landscape Maintenance
Before you know it it will be time for spring yard clean-ups, irrigation turn-ons and repairs, sod aeration, and mulch adjustments. Wouldn’t it be great if someone just showed up to do it all? Well, Boulder Landscape and Design will! Help with landscape maintenance in 4 easy steps One of our Project Managers will visit […]